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Ελληνικά   |   Friday, 28 March 2025

Natural Environment

Nature bestowed Phini with the exquisite beauty of the most beautiful colors and scents. Wild vegetation in combination with cultivated pieces of land, mostly of fruit-bearing trees, composes a magical landscape.


Phini is set in the highest peaks of Troodos Mountain.  Many creeks run from these peaks and end up at the heart of the village. The villafe of Phini os located near the springs of river Diarizos; one of them is located in Phini and the other in the village of Kaminaria. The name “Diarizos”, as the president opf teh community council mentions, derives from the two (‘dyo’) roots (‘rizes’), the two springs of the river.


The wild vegetation in Phini includes rich flora and characteristic kinds of Cypriot fauna. Mostly pine trees, aspens, platans, cedars, and a great range of seasonal flowers, such as roses are found in the areas covered by wild vegetation, especially near the river banks.


Apple trees, pear trees, prune trees, cherry trees, walnut trees, peach trees, plum trees, fug trees and almond trees are common in Phini. The inhabitants of the village stopped cultivation vineyards. The president of he community council mentions that viniculture ceased because “factories did not obtain as many products as necessary and they were not efficiently granted”.


The “Bridge of Eparch” (Gefyri tou Piskopou) and “Hantara Waterfalls” are covered in green. The “Bridge of Eparch” (Gefyri tou Piskopou) area is where river Diarizos stemming from Phini and ends up in Kourris dam runs.


Green is added by the garden of the Community Council and the Park dedicated to Stelios Perikleous. What is more, green was added to the centre of the local round about.